OneDrive does not want any part of a network drive, but you can trick it into using a mapped network drive as its primary storage by creating a Symbolic link. Here’s the quick and dirty steps:
- Create folder on the root of your C drive (e.g. C:\Share)
- Create a folder inside of that called something like OneDrive (e.g. C:\Share\OneDrive)
- Open up the OneDrive interface, and point it to your newly created folder.
- Kill OneDrive
- Delete the OneDrive folder inside of C:\Share
- Open an elevated command prompt (go to Start->Type in CMD->Right Click and Run as Admin)
- Now, we’ll create a symbolic link by typing in:
mklink /d c:\Share\OneDrive \\path\to\OneDrive
Note: if you’re using a path with spaces in it, you’ll need to encapsulate the path with quotations. Ex: “c:\my path has\spaces”
- Restart OneDrive application and you’re done!
If it doesn’t seem like it’s doing anything, don’t fret, mine took a couple hours before it started uploading at a rather pathetic pace. I’m at two days so far and only 2GB uploaded (my bandwith is capable of uploading ~40GB per day).