- Drop into root account
apt-get update && apt-get install pandorafms-agent
- Pandora will install from the repositories and start itself upon completion of install. We need to reconfigure it to point to our PandoraFMS server.
- Stop the pandora agent service
# service pandorafms-agent stop
- If it gives an error, or can’t find the service, type in:
# ls /etc/init.d/ | grep pandora
- Based on the output, that’s the name of the service. One of my previous installs was pandora_agent_daemon.
- Edit the config file to point it to your Pandora server, if not localhost:
# nano /etc/pandorafms/pandora_agent.conf
- Go to the server_ip section and change it from localhost to the IP of your pandora server:
# General Parameters # ================== server_ip 192.168.XX.XXX
- Restart the pandora service and you should now see it in your Agent List on the Pandora Server.
# service pandorafms-agent start